Off on break! Time to rest...


We have just finished our first trimester of school and are off for Christmas break! We are all excited to see our families and rest, but will also miss each other and the close bonds we have built over the last few months. So far this school year, we have completed the courses, The Art of Hearing God and Advanced Prophetic, and studied two of John Paul Jackson’s books, “Needless Casualties of War”, and “Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit”, both very powerful and needed books for the body. The depth we went in understanding and experiencing the material we have studied was life changing, and is still impacting us now as we go off for break. We will always have a moment of choice. What will you choose, your spirit or your soul?


We also ministered in Salem, MA during Haunted Happenings, a witch festival celebrating Halloween and the heritage of their culture. People from all around the world come to be involved in this 4-week event, and we were privileged to be apart as well. Many people who came inside our tents were touched deeply in their hearts. I love to see people transform as the Holy Spirit reveals to their spirit who they are created to be. They start believing again, and their hope is renewed. I was also very pleased with the interns and watching them grow from being just messengers to becoming lovers, feeling the Father’s heart for the people He longs to be with.


Now that the Fall Trimester is over, we can look forward for the plans God has for us in the coming terms. Thank you all for following us so far this year, we will be back soon after break ends on January 7th. Streams School of Ministry wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and we hope the time you share with your family and friends is a blessing!




James Borey

2nd year leader

Snowy Sunday

This Sunday we had church service up on the Pinnacle for the first time in the snow! We had people doing everything from plowing the path up to the mountain, to making hot soup for fellowship after service and stoking the fire to keep us all warm and toasty. It was a Sunday full of new experiences, to be sure.

Our new army tents are up and functioning, finally! Now it's just a matter of keeping them functioning throughout the rest of the winter! Here are a few pictures of us assembling the tents...

the VERY warm wood-burning stove in our tent...which also happens to be a common meeting place for the women in the congregation :)

So this Sunday we had our first ever experience of having church in the tents in the snow. There were only a few inches, but it definitely wasn't easy getting up there for everyone. We even had a shuttle going up and down for those without four wheel drive :)

Once we figured out how to get everyone up to the mountain, we finally got to do some worship on the mountain. Once we started, God really moved in those tents...For the last few Sundays Scott has been speaking on the true meaning of worship, that being a continual stream of adoration and worship from us to the Lord. It's all about Him. So this Sunday we had the opportunity to really walk that out in our worship, and the Lord showed up and blessed it. A huge portion of freedom and child-likeness was released in the tent and people were dancing and shouting for the Lord. It was so powerful and so pleasing to the Lord.

Hopefully the tents can keep us warm up there through the winter...we love worshiping on the mountain and the Lord really seems to speak while we're up there. For now we will just be up there as often as we can!

Feel free to keep us in your prayers about the mountain and all the stuff that God is doing in our internship and the body, we would really appreciate it!


Jourdan Meyers
1st Year Intern

What's Going On!

I know a lot of you find yourselves wondering about what in the world is going on with the interns and the church, so I decided it was time to have a little update post for everyone.


We've been working really hard on the Pinnacle lately, trying to get the tent up and ready for church and worship nights in the colder weather. So far we have two HUGE military tents up there ready to receive heat from the stoves we'll be installing in each one. After they are heated, it will be so much more pleasant to be up there for hours on end. And believe me, we want to be up there for hours on end :) God is doing awesome stuff up there.

The things God is going to be doing in the church, the internship, and the Pinnacle are going to be amazing. We want to be as prepared as possible for whatever God wants to these tents are going to be such a blessing for the church and the interns because now we don't have to freeze our faces off in the winter on the mountain, and if all goes well, we will be able to meet in the high school as little as possible.

Besides work we've been having a blast as the holidays come nearer and nearer. A few of the interns went home for Thanksgiving (including myself) and the rest got to spend the day with close friends and church members who were willing to take them in :) We have just a few more weeks until Christmas break when all the interns will go home for a few weeks with their families. Then we'll be back at it in January for round 2!

I think I speak for all of us when I say my experience here has been a "scary-wonderful" one so far. There has been an extraordinary amount of change and growth just by being in this house and learning from our teachers and leaders. For me, I've never wanted to change more than I do right now. God is doing so much in my life and I just get to hand my heart over to Him and watch Him do the work in me. It's a real blessing to be in this atmosphere of grace for this new season.

campfire up on the Pinnacle

Jourdan Meyers
1st Yr. intern

Questions? feel free to comment on this page or our facebook; we'd be happy to answer any questions or comments you may have about the internship...or email us at!

He Is The Potter


I’ve often wondered at the enormity of God and His ultimate power to change and convict us in our hearts. He is a huge God. He has all the power and all the glory. He is the potter and we are the clay. He has the power to mold us and change us in whatever way He sees fit…because He is the potter, not us.

Can you imagine how deformed and hideous we would all look if we tried to mold ourselves?? We could say we were molding ourselves in His image, but we’ve had no training, no experience, and no tangible example to work from. How can we make anything from our own hands when our human minds cannot even comprehend His image or His character? He is just so much more qualified, and once you realize that, change will become easier and easier for you to let go of.

It’s hard to let go! Trust me, I know. I am a recovering control freak, and let me tell you it has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, just to let go of my own will to change. I always try to change those little things I don’t like about myself, and sometimes really big things. But it never works out. The Lord doesn’t want us to go digging through our character flaws, trying to find something to fix. He is the fixer. He is the potter.

Since when did we as Christians say that changing and growing is something we can induce out of our own power?

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. The world, and all who live in it; for He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.” – Psalm 24:1-2

As His ultimate creation, we have no power to change anything about ourselves. Have you ever seen a painting reach out of it’s own canvas to add another splash of color where the painter didn’t intend it? Have you ever witnessed a pot of soup reach out of it’s liquidy depths to add another dash of salt? It would be insulting to the cook! And I’m an Italian who loves to cook…I know what it feels like when someone pours ketchup all over the alfredo sauce I worked so hard on to get all the flavors balanced just right.

Have you ever seen a clay pot reach out with its’ own arms and smooth out presumed blemishes left behind by the potter?

We cannot assume we have the right to change anything about ourselves, no matter how blemished or spotted we believe ourselves to be. It just isn’t our place.

"Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord." - Jeremiah 17:5

For example, we as Christians tend to feel obligated to “prepare a sanctuary for our Lord” in our hearts…which usually ends up looking like “searching through our obviously human flesh to find each and every blemish so we can smooth it out and cover it up by the time the Creator runs and inspection.” However, this unnecessary fleshly exertion is not what He intended and if it were, we would all have the power to make ourselves perfect and He as God would no longer have Creator, beautifier, or perfector in His job description. If it were our job to make sure we were beautiful and spotless every single time He walked by we would never see His glory or feel His presence…or experience His grace.

So the next time you find yourself looking inward, excavating every bone and skeleton from the closet in the depths of your heart, look to the Creator…look to the one who longs to mold your heart till it’s tender and soft…look to the one who perfected every inch of you and created every cell in your body. He is the only one qualified for that job. He’s the only one who can create true and irreversible change in our hearts.

We just can’t do it on our own.

A painful lesson I’ve barely scratched the surface of, believe me.

Maybe this post has left you wondering about your own efforts to change; maybe it just gave you a little needed perspective; maybe you knew all of this already but it was good to see someone else’s struggle to make you feel a bit less alone in your own growth process. If any of these described your feelings while reading this then I will be satisfied. I know that it helps me to see someone else’s story before reading my own…to understand that what my peers are going through is usually very similar to what I’m going through. It’s nice to feel like you’re surrounded by people who are dealing with the very same things…the task suddenly seems a lot less daunting.

So please, don’t think you are the muddiest or dirtiest lamb in the bunch…that is not the Lord’s heart for you. He think you are the greatest, whitest, most spotless lamb in the flock and He is ultimately pleased with you. You are His creation; His masterpiece. So submit to His grace and let yourself be changed by the power in His hands. He wants to be the one to do it…

-Jourdan Meyers, 1st Yr. Intern

"...can I not do with you as this potter?" says the Lord. "Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand..." - Jeremiah 18:6

"And yet, Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We are all formed by your hand." - Isaiah 64:8

Unconditional Love

When we are born we learn very quickly that we have desires and that if we act in a certain manner those desires and needs will be met. We whine; our parents will serve us. We cry; our parents will hold us. In the same way, we pray surely God will give us our desires. Over the course of our lives we then learn that the world does not revolve around us; that we are not the center of the universe.

Currently many of us in the internship are realizing that we are selfish in our relationships. To quote the band Me without You, “We say our love is real... but what we mean is I like the way you make me feel.” We like what others do for us... we like what the Lord does for us... but our “love” is really a selfish feeling. In actual fact, parents are made for their children, husbands are to lay down their lives for their wives, truly a man has no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. In essence, we are to love God with everything we are and prefer others above ourselves. We need to become more concerned about the Lord's feelings. To fill the needs and desires of others devoid of any selfish motive, indeed, before any thought of self comes to mind.
This process, that of becoming a selfless lover, is one of unearthing embedded false motives and the deeply lodged expectation of a return on our investment; a trait that is so prevalent in our western culture today.

If one requests Love himself to make them a selfless lover they can expect a measure of pain as their selfish humanity is laid bare; as their dark hidden agendas are brought to the light. But it is this same painful process that brings a glorious opportunity for change, a chance for a new way of loving, and though difficult results in something truly beautiful. A being free to love without condition; a reflection of a love that transcends all. A reflection of Jesus.

Matthew Ryan Keating
2nd Year Leader

Road Trip to White Mountains

Last weekend all the interns took a road trip to the White Mountains, a beautiful drive that had lots of great scenic spots to stop and explore. We had a splendid time adventuring through the rocks and rivers, saw some gorgeous views, and stopped at one of the best spots to look up at the stars. It was a magical trip full of magical scenery. Here are some of the pictures!

It was a lovely day for a road trip...even though it was so cold our faces felt like they could fall off at any moment due to excessive smiling and whipping wind :)

Well I'm off to Goodwill to get me a classy Christmas sweater - if there is such a thing. Blessings on you and the rest of your week!

-Jourdan Elisabeth

Welcome To The SSOM Blog!


Hello to everyone and welcome to the new Streams School of Ministry NH Blog. We will be posting about everything from outreaches and events to family, friends, and church life. We want you to be involved in our intern's lives so we've created this blog as an "in" for you! Some posts will have intern authors, some will be written by leaders. Some posts will have recent pictures, some will have poems, some will be outreach testimonies...As Forest Gump once said, "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." So come back every chance you get, and do enjoy your stay!

Peace and rest,
Jourdan Meyers