
More From UCONN...

Everyone, be prepared for me to rock your worlds yet again...I know, I know, you're probably thinking "geez Jourdan, stop it already! I just can't take all this awesomeness!" but you'll live. Really.

So here's the big secret:

I got testimonies from UCONN...just like I promised :)

I gotta be careful, or I'll get a big head from all this following through I've been doing lately.

This testimony is from Matthew Keating, a 2nd year leader:

"While we were at UCONN we ministered to several Hindus. One group of three of them came in a little skeptical. First, we ministered to the young woman. We spoke several detailed words of knowledge to her about her childhood but we veiled the words to keep her covered because she was obviously abused and we did not want to openly say, “You were abused.” The young lady knew that God saw her pain and wanted to heal her.

As we finished ministering to the young lady I felt one man's skepticism even though we had accurately prophesied over his friend. So I turned to him and said “I feel you appraising our words. You are wondering how we can know these things and it is hard for you to believe that we do. That appraisal is a gift that God gave you to be able to protect people and act wisely. You appraise, analyze, and weigh out everything.” All three of them looked at each other and laughed. Immediately his life and destiny opened up to us.

Next we ministered to the third man. He was a seer, and very creative, but had been very hurt by people all his life because of his personality and gifting. We ministered healing to him and a Father's blessing. All of them were blown away and wanted to hear more about God the Creator." -Matthew Keating

And from David Boda, 2nd year intern:

"I had a young man sit down in front of me in the tent who, after my team finished giving him and his friends words, asked us if he could give us some words as well. At first I was taken aback but then I told him that he could; by all means.

He proceeded to tell each of the people on our team very true things about ourselves. It turns out that he had a strong gift of revelation and had known things about people he couldn't have known by natural means all of his life. He told me something that I needed to hear and it just goes to show how God can speak through any person He wants.

A couple nights before we showed up at UCONN this young man had a dream about coming to our tents, as they look in reality, and meeting the two leaders of our program. The Holy Spirit had prepared him for our showing up and the student said that the things our team had said to him had really encouraged him. It showed me how there are gifted people walking around all over the
place, with gifts that God has stuck into them; it is such an honour to be able to point them to the Giver of all those gifts." - David Boda

We really had some great encounters at UCONN this year...Quite frankly, if we as Christians just go out into the world and start doing something, He will always meet us there. He loves His people, even the ones drowning in darkness...and He is always looking for ways to touch their hearts. We are simply vessels of His love. That's how we see it anyway.

Hope you liked the testimonies!

Jourdan M.


Jaimee Thirion said...


That is so cool! I love the tent idea with dreams and life readings!! Then everyone who comes in has an encounter with the King.

Keep up the good work.

Jaimee Thirion
Mishawaka, Indiana

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interesting thoughts