Pictures & Portland

Here are some pictures from the intern's trip to the Northshore Bridge in Beverly, Mass.  We had so much fun! Read about it here. To make a picture bigger, just click on it!

<--worship with Josh Young

<--liz giving her testimony

Tomorrow morning the interns are going on their very last road trip/outreach of the year, this time to Maine! We drive up tomorrow, and will spend four days all around the state. We'll do some outreaches at churches, colleges, and festivals, then we will come home for our last week as interns before the summer begins. 

This outreach is sure to be a fun one, Maine is beautiful and the church's we will be visiting love the interns like their own.  We will also get a chance to do tent ministry at the Old Port Festival in Portland, Maine.  Can't wait!

See you when we get back!

Streams School of Ministry

Author: Jourdan M.


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